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Is it too late to get a Golden Visa in Spain?

Is it too late to get a Golden Visa in Spain?
9 Aug 2024

Last chance for the Spanish Golden Visa

Get yours now!

The Spanish government has decided to scrap the Golden Visa scheme and although we don’t have a specific date it will almost certainly be closed by the end of the year.

A decision to end the Golden Visa was taken back in April, but for a while nothing happened and it was business as usual. However, at the end of July the first concrete steps were taken to close the scheme with amendments proposed in parliament.  

The government is now actively working on the closure of this scheme so it is safe to say it will not be around for much longer.

If you are considering taking advantage of the Golden Visa scheme, you need to act fast. Contact us today and we will work with you to quickly find a qualifying property, and our lawyers will guide you through the process.

 If you are not sure how the Golden Visa scheme works and if it could be for you, read our guide below and then get in touch.

The Spanish Golden Visa 

If you have €500,000 or more to invest in Spain, you could currently qualify for the Golden Visa.

How do I get a Golden Visa?


The easiest way to obtain a Golden Visa is to invest €500,000 or more in property. This could be one villa, several apartments, commercial premises, or a combination. As long as your total property investment is €500,000 or more, you will qualify.


If you are not buying property, you can still get a golden visa by investing in the Spanish stock market or in government bonds. However, you will need deeper pockets as the minimum investment to obtain a Golden Visa following this route is €1 million.

What do I get with a Golden Visa? 

  • A one-year, renewable visa (you will have to periodically prove you still have the investment). After five years you will become permanent resident.
  • The right to live and work in Spain. You can run a business or work as an employee without restrictions.
  • The right to move freely around the Schengen area without being subject to the 90-day rule.

Application process

The application process is relatively straight forward. You must, of course, prove you have invested €500,000 in property or €1 million in Spanish shares or bonds. Processing time for these applications is generally quick.

Remember, the days are numbered for the Golden Visa, so don’t miss out. Contact us today!





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